Manteniéndote Activo en la Comodidad del Hogar

Staying Active in the Comfort of Home

We cannot escape old age nor do we want to, but staying active is key to preserving health and mobility. The good news is that you don't have to go to the gym; You can perform an effective routine in the comfort of your home. Here is a guide to exercises designed specifically for older adults.

**1. Walks in Place:**
This simple exercise is a great way to keep your heart active. You just need a free and comfortable space to walk in your place for 10-15 minutes a day. You can gradually increase the duration according to your comfort.

**2. Seated Leg Raise:**
Sit on a firm chair and raise your legs straight in front of you. This will strengthen your leg muscles and improve blood circulation. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions per set.

**3. Stretches:**
Spend a few minutes a day doing gentle stretches. Stretching your arms, legs and back helps maintain flexibility and prevent muscle stiffness.

**4. Yoga or Tai Chi:**
These disciplines are ideal for improving balance, strength and flexibility. There are numerous online classes tailored to the needs of older adults, with step-by-step instructions.

**5. Light Weight Lifting:**
Use light weights (or even water bottles) to perform lifting exercises. This will strengthen your muscles and help maintain bone density.

**6. Wall Push-Ups:**
Place your hands on the wall at shoulder height and do push-ups at a comfortable angle. This will strengthen your arms and chest without putting too much pressure.

**7. Stationary Run:**
Simulate walking while standing. This exercise improves circulation and activates the leg muscles. You can do it while watching television.

**8. Balance Exercises:**
Practice balance by lifting one leg slightly off the ground while leaning on a chair or counter. This helps prevent falls and improves stability.

Always remember to consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine. With these simple exercises, you can maintain an active and healthy life without leaving home!
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