About us

Our history is rooted in family, compassion, and a deep commitment to the well-being of our elders. We are Pedro, Xiomara and Yxel, a family that embarked on a significant journey to transform the lives of our seniors.

Do you want to know a little more about us? Here we tell you

Xioma Quiñones

*Age:* 64 years.

*Professional Background:* University professor of physical education and sports

*Role at VITO Longevity:* Co-Founder and Trainer specialized in Flexibility and Mobility.

*Featured Features:*
1. **Expert in Physical Education:** Xioma contributes her experience as a university professor of physical education and sports, providing specialized knowledge in the science of human movement.

2. **Pilates Lover:** Her passion for Pilates translates into a balanced, body-centered approach, contributing to VITO Longevity programs with an emphasis on flexibility and strengthening.

3. **Passionate about Outdoor Sports:** Xiomara, as a lover of outdoor sports, understands the importance of connecting with nature for physical and mental health, thus influencing VITO Longevity's training approaches.

4. **Commitment to Comprehensive Well-being:** Her participation as founder reflects a commitment to the comprehensive well-being of older people, advocating active aging that encompasses both physical and mental activity.

5. **Pedagogical Approach:** Thanks to her experience as an educator, Xioma contributes to the development of VITO Longevity programs with a pedagogical approach, facilitating the understanding and participation of users.

With her diverse and passionate background, she plays a crucial role in creating an environment where seniors can thrive physically and mentally with VITO Longevity programs.

Pedro Moreno

*Age:* 68 years

*Professional Background:* Former professional volleyball player, Master in Physical Education and Sports Sciences in the elderly.

*Role at VITO Longevity:* Co-Founder and Trainer specialized in Strength and Endurance.

*Featured Features:*
1. **Sports Experience:** Pedro Moreno brings his vast experience as a former professional volleyball player, providing a unique perspective on the importance of physical activity and well-being.

2. **Passion for Sports:** Your dedication to volleyball reflects your passion for the sport and the benefits it brings for health and personal development.

3. **Commitment to Wellbeing:** As founder of VITO Longevity, Pedro is committed to the mission of improving the quality of life of older people, sharing his knowledge and experience in the sports field.

4. **Inspiration for Active Aging:** At 68 years old, Pedro is an inspiration for an active and healthy life in old age, showing that practicing sports can be an integral part of positive aging.

5. **Holistic Approach:** Recognizing the importance of a holistic approach, Pedro contributes to the development of programs that not only focus on the physical aspect, but also on the mental and emotional well-being of VITO Longevity users.

Pedro Moreno, together with the VITO Longevity team, is dedicated to making a significant difference in the lives of seniors, promoting active and healthy aging.

As an experienced university sports and health professor with more than 40 years of experience, Pedro brings extensive knowledge to promote physical activity and general health. Your commitment to wellness is the driving force behind our holistic approach.

Yxel Moreno

*Age:* 36 years.

*Academic Background:* Industrial Engineer with Master in Project Management from the University of Barcelona

*Role at VITO Longevity:* Co-founder

*Featured Features:*
1. **Industrial Engineering Training:** Yxel brings a solid foundation in industrial engineering, providing technical perspectives and analytical skills to drive efficiency and quality at VITO Longevity.

2. **Master in Project Management:** Your project management experience supports the effective implementation of VITO Longevity initiatives, ensuring efficient and results-focused execution.

3. **Entrepreneurial Spirit:** As an entrepreneur, Yxel brings an innovative and growth-oriented mindset, contributing to the continued development of VITO Longevity as a business that seeks to make a difference.

4. **Passion for Longevity:** Yxel's dedication to longevity reflects a deep commitment to the well-being of older people, guiding VITO Longevity's mission towards active and healthy aging.

5. **Family Connection:** As the son of founders Pedro and Xiomara, Yxel carries with him the personal motivation to improve the quality of life of seniors, forming an authentic connection with the mission of VITO Longevity.

Yxel Moreno, with his unique combination of technical skills, management experience and passion for longevity, plays a critical role in driving VITO Longevity towards success and positive impact on the lives of seniors.

Observing her parents' challenges was the spark that ignited the idea of ​​creating a platform that revolutionizes health for seniors.

Our Impact:

At VITO Longevity, we believe in empowering our seniors to lead active and fulfilling lives. Our family-driven initiative is based on genuine care and a desire to positively impact the well-being of older adults.

At VITO Longevity, we address the significant challenge that Spanish families face when seeking quality geriatric services. An aging population and increasing life expectancy present unique challenges, and it is crucial to address them with empathy and effective solutions.

In Spain, many families face constant concern for the well-being of their elderly loved ones. Traditional geriatric services are often expensive and do not always meet individual needs. The lack of personalized and accessible options leaves families looking for alternatives that offer a comprehensive approach to the care and health of their elders.

VITO Longevity arises as a response to this pain, offering an innovative and personalized approach to the well-being of older adults. We are committed to providing home fitness training programs, designed by health and sports experts, to improve the quality of life of our older clients. Our vision is to empower seniors to live actively and healthily in the comfort of their homes.

Core values:
1. ** Empathy :** We understand the concerns and challenges of families seeking geriatric solutions and approach each situation with sensitivity and understanding.

2. ** Quality :** We strive to offer high-quality training programs, backed by expert professionals, to ensure tangible, positive results.

3. ** Accessibility :** We believe that well-being should be accessible to everyone. Our services are designed to be affordable and convenient, ensuring that more families can access effective solutions.

4. ** Holistic Approach :** We recognize the importance of addressing not only physical health, but also emotional and mental well-being. Our programs encompass a holistic approach to a healthier, fuller life.

VITO Longevity is committed to making a difference in the lives of older people and their families, providing a path to active and fulfilling aging.

Join us on this journey towards healthier and happier aging!